Grounding to Mother Earth

At times I have the urge to walk in the forest... 

A walk along with the majestic Mother...

There's something quite magical about that feeling when walking through the grass barefoot that helps me feel in tune with the elements and more aligned with who I am. It's the goddess or nature lover in me that wants to become one with the forest. They call it grounding or earthing. It’s nature therapy at its best. Choosing activities that can electrically ground and reconnect you to Mother Earth. 

...The dewy grass between my toes

My soul replenished through the grounding effect 

Ground yourself TO yourself through Earth. 

She is beautiful like you!

Grounding can be relieving & replenishing for many spiritual beings with anxiety or strong empathy because it helps to reset the feelings that may have been influenced by outer forces and circumstances. Some say it helps also to create protection around your heart center. A grounding practice such as sitting under a tree at sunrise can help one calm their emotions and energy to create a balanced foundation before your day gets started. 

You may have heard of the expression "grounding yourself/ rooting yourself" in yoga class. It's a beautiful reminder whispered to help steady the body and quiet, calm or expand the mind. But, did you know there is actually something scientific & biological behind it as well? Grounding yourself (skin to dirt) has been thought to reduce stress and physical swelling in the body by absorbing the free electrons that are present on the earth's surface. This energy shift is legit! 

Ethereal characteristics can be recharged with a grounding exercise. Ether is your life-force, Universal life energy, or your Chi! I can recognize an enthusiastic and caring ethereal spirit that resides in my heart. There are times where I feel passion & zest for life and fiery energy than... other times where I feel compassion towards myself and a softness comes over my body with a motherly grace and elegance and I start to carry myself with care. I gain strength by becoming one with the natural, beautiful world. 

Earthing or grounding practices are often associated with empaths which I have been learning more about recently (after realizing that I have empathic tendencies). Energy is what empaths are about to their core! Empaths feel deeper than most human beings so grounding helps us to stand firm whilst allowing the energies to flow around us. Empathic people feel the emotions from a picture, the energy through texts and can sense what others cannot. Grounding can help those who are sensitive to energy or prone to stress in ways that are life-changing. 

In a world where we are surrounded by concrete, buildings, and people we rarely take the time to get outside and enjoy nature like our natural bodies urge us to all we need to do is connect with Mother Earth. The concept is so easy all it takes is a little effort to slow down, take our shoes off, and sit with ourselves and with her majestic self to reconnect. Grounding can feel like a spark of sunshine or a toss of pixie dust on your tethered soul. Try it out! 

Pictures taken on the grounds of Williamsburg Virginia in June 2020. Rights of Steph D. 

Ground yourself today! 



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